Sunday, November 29, 2009

Pet Portrait Contest results

No good deed goes unpunished. I got a most patient inquiry re: the contest on this blog.
I had hoped to spare my Intimate Landscape readers how poorly this post shows up as a blog. It does work great in email and reader and as sent to my pet portrait subscribers....and I wouldn't want anyone to miss out.

** This post is best viewed in Google reader or in your emailsubscribe in margin. :)
Dear Pet Parents,
A thousand and one thanks for entering the Catch em Bein Cute Pet Pose Contest. And a bucket load more for your patience awaiting the results.
You guys have awesome pets that made this choice challenging.
If you sent a double pet portrait, please forgive me for being relieved when some good shots of just one pet showed up enabling me to give away ONE free portrait, not two.
Take consulation in knowing the winner will need continued patience while I whip up some pre-holiday commissions.
I wish I could have met your guys in person, and have been in email negotiations with a couple of you. I want a finished portrait you'll love.
Runners Up!!!

runners up pet photos

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